Scene Re-do

Performed a scene from an indie in Amy Lyndon’s class. Didn’t quite nail the emotional prep first go round, so I brought it home and worked on it for a week. Then I nailed it. Such an amazing feeling to dig in like that.

Upcoming Classes

I’m starting a four week class with amazing booking doctor, Amy Lyndon. And I have a workshop coming up at One on One with CD Kate Clifford of Gayle Keller Casting.

Cool Auditions

Auditioned for two co-star roles in HBO’s series “Julia” about Julia Child. Then, had a large co-star audition for an Amazon Prime series (CD Susan Shopmaker).

CD Judy Henderson

Took a three-week workshop with CD Judy Henderson. She has so much experience and helped me with creating intimacy on camera. I loved playing a jealous mother in the film, “The Trouble with Cali”, and really living with the scene for three weeks. Thanks, Judy!

Irish Stuff

Recently submitted for the role of an Irish nun in “Tangled”, a Passionflix film. This on the heels of auditioning for the role of an Irish protester in Brian Friel’s “The Freedom of the City”. Let’s hope my gift for accents take me places.

Amy Lyndon Rocks

Took an amazing workshop with Amy Lyndon, the “Booking Doctor”. A total game changer for me. I’m seeing deeper and better auditions with her fifteen guideposts map to booking. Practice practice practice.

A Good Tired

In one weekend, I self taped auditions for three industrials and a major network TV show. Tiring but fulfilling. Like I’m doing what I’m supposed to do.


Performed a staged reading of my solo show, ’em-Pathetic’. Received positive and critical feedback from my handpicked audience. Now, on to some rewrites, memorization, and a second reading.

New Teacher

So excited to have found Amy Lyndon, the “booking doctor”. Her guidelines are already helping my auditions. And I haven’t met her yet!